This paper presents a coupled CFD-DEM approach to simulate the flow of particulate suspensions in the intermediate concentration regime where solid volume concentration is 1% < ϕ < 50%. In particular, hydrodynamic multi-particle bridging during flow through a single constriction in a rectangular channel is studied. It is shown that for neutrally buoyant, monodispersed particulate suspensions, the probability of jamming increases with the particle concentration. There also exists a critical particle concentration (ϕ*) for spontaneous bridging, which depends on the ratio of pore size to particle size, the flow velocity, the particle-fluid density contrast, and the flow geometry leading to the constriction. The ϕ* has a strong dependence on the outlet-to-particle relative size (Ro). For 1.5 ≤ Ro ≤ 2.5, a direct transition from a flowing state to a jammed state was observed. For Ro ≥ 3, the flowing state typically transitioned to a dense state characterized by the accumulation of particles near the constriction before jamming. Increasing the inlet-to-particle relative size (Rip) lowers ϕ* by increasing the number of particles arriving at the constriction simultaneously. The effect of changing Rip is more pronounced at high Ro when the probability of bridging is lower. A high fluid velocity increases particle interactions near the constriction and accelerates the onset of bridging. However, no distinct effect of velocity on ϕ* was observed in this study. A higher particle-to-fluid density ratio (ρp/ρf) increases the probability of bridging and leads to a lower ϕ* in a given constriction geometry. The effect saturates at higher ρp/ρfwhen gravitational forces completely dominate over viscous drag forces. ϕ* is also found to decrease with increasing angle of constriction convergence (θ) for θ < 30°, but increases beyond that at θ=60∘.
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of hydrodynamic bridging at constrictions
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Date Published
Volume 84
Number of Pages
Other Numbers