

C. A. J. Blyton and M. M. Sharma, “Particle transport of non-dilute suspensions in branched slots”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
Keywords: Proppant Placement
C. A. J. Blyton and M. M. Sharma, “Particle transport of non-dilute suspensions in branched slots”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
Keywords: Particle Transport
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “The Impact of Changes in Natural Fracture Fluid Pressure on the Creation of Fracture Networks”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Mura, S. Zheng, and M. M. Sharma, “Integration of Geochemistry into a Geomechanical Subsurface Flow Simulator”, in Water Resources Research.

In Press

M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Impact of well placement on heat production from complex fracture networks in enhanced geothermal systems: A semi-analytical model”, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, doi:


M. Cao, S. Hirose, and M. M. Sharma, “A computationally efficient model for fracture propagation and fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 220, no. part B, p. 111249, 2023, doi:
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “An Efficient Model of Simulating Fracture Propagation and Energy Recovery from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Effect of Fracture Geometry, Topology and Connectivity”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, January 31 - February 2, 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023. doi:
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Creation of a Data-Calibrated Discrete Fracture Network of the Utah FORGE Site”, in 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-28 June 2023: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2023.
M. Mura, S. Zheng, and M. M. Sharma, “Development of a Fully integrated Multiphase-Flow, Mechanics and Geochemistry Simulator”, in Carbon Caputre, Utilization, and Storage Conference, the University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA 25-27 April, 2023, 2023.
M. Aijaz and M. M. Sharma, “Effect of Proppant Settling in the Wellbore on Proppant Distribution in Perforation Clusters”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, January 31 - February 2, 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023. doi:
C. Silva-Escalante, R. Camacho-Velazquez, A. Gomora-Figueroa, and M. M. Sharma, “Evaluation of CO2 and Slickwater Fracturing for The Burgos Basin of Mexico”, in SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023.
Y. Ou, M. M. Sharma, and S. Zheng, “Evolution of Wellbore Strain in Horizontal Wells for Production Evaluation”, in 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-28 June 2023: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2023.
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling the Flow and Connectivity in Fracture Networks in Naturally Fractured Geothermal Formations”, SPE Drilling & Completions, vol. 38, no. 01, pp. 131–145, 2023, doi:
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Mura and M. M. Sharma, “Flow-Geomechanics-Geochemistry Simulation of CO2 Injection into Fractured Sandstones and Carbonates”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16-18, 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023.
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture Growth in Naturally Fractured Rocks: A Case Study of the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site”, in The Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 13-15 June 2023: URTeC, 2023. doi:
M. Cao, S. Zheng, and M. M. Sharma, “Integrating a Boundary Element Method Based Hydraulic Fracturing Simulator with a Compositional Reservoir Simulator for Well Lifecycle Simulations”, in 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-28 June 2023: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2023.
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Integrating Pipe Fractional Flow Theory with Fully Compositional Wellbore Models”, in SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023. doi:
Y. Ou, J. Hu, S. Zheng, and M. M. Sharma, “Interpretation of Rayleigh Frequency Shift based Distributed Strain Sensing Data during Production and Shut-in of Unconventional Reservoirs”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16-18, 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023.
A. Paspureddi, Z. Zhang, V. Ganesan, M. M. Sharma, and L. Katz, “Mechanism of monovalent and divalent ion mobility in Nafion membrane: An atomistic simulation study”, J. Chem. Phys. , vol. 158, 2023, doi:
D. P. Gala et al., “Optimizing Completion Design to Improve Near-Wellbore and Far-Field Cluster Efficiency: Leveraging Downhole Data and Calibrated Physics-Based Models”, in The Unconventional Resources Technology Conference , Denver, Colorado, USA, 13-15 June 2023: URTeC, 2023. doi:
J. Hu, S. Zheng, and M. M. Sharma, “Performance of Inflow Control Devices (ICDs) in Horizontal Injection Wells with Injection Induced Fractures”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16-18, 2023: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2023.
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “The Effect of Variations of Fluid Pressure in Natural Fractures on the Geometry of Fracture Networks and Well Productivity”, in The Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 13-15 June 2023: URTeC, 2023. doi:
H. Wang and M. M. Sharma, “Uniquely determine fracture dimension and formation permeability from diagnostic fracture injection test”, Rock Mechanics Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 02, p. 100040, 2023, doi:
Keywords: DFIT


S. Zheng, B. Elliott, and M. M. Sharma, “ Azimuthally Resolved Wellbore Strain Measurements: A Powerful New Fracture Diagnostics Method ”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., Feburary 1-3, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
B. Elliott, S. Zheng, M. M. Sharma, R. T. Russell, K. L. Haustveit, and J. Haffener, “ Integration of Sealed Wellbore Pressure Monitoring Responses with Wellbore Strain and Deformation Measurements for Fracture Diagnostics ”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., Feburary 1-3, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “A Computationally Efficient Fracturing-Production Simulator for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs”, in The 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 29 - July 1, 2022, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “An Efficient Simulator for Microseismic Mapping of Fracture Networks”, in 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 26-29, 2022: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
J. Hwang, S. Zheng, M. M. Sharma, M.-M. Chiotoroiu, and T. Clemens, “Containment of Water-Injection-Induced Fractures: The Role of Heat Conduction and Thermal Stresses”, SPE Res Eval & Eng , vol. 25, no. 02, pp. 245–260, 2022, doi:
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Coupling a Geomechanical Reservoir and Fracturing Simulator with a Wellbore Model for Horizontal Injection Wells”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 23–25, 2022.
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Evaluating different energized fracturing fluids using an integrated equation-of-state compositional hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulator”, Journal of Petorleum Exploration and production Technology, vol. 14, pp. 851–869, 2022, doi:
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling the Flow and Connectivity in Fracture Networks in Naturally Fractured Formations”, in Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., May 2-5, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Cao, S. Hirose, and M. M. Sharma, “Factors controlling the formation of complex fracture networks in naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 208, Part D, no. 109642, 2022, doi: https:// .
Keywords: Geothermal
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling Water-steam Flow In Fractured Reservoirs: Application To Enhanced Geothermal Systems”, in Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., May 2-5, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Fracture Diagnostics in Naturally Fractured Formations: An Efficient Geomechanical Microseismic Inversion Model”, in Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., June 20-22, 2022, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
P. M. Moradi, D. Angus, and M. M. Sharma, “Hydraulic Fracture Width Inversion Using Simultaneous Downhole Tiltmeter and Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data ”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., Feburary 1-3, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
M. Cao, S. Zheng, B. Elliott, and M. M. Sharma, “Impact of Complex Fracture Networks on Well Productivity: A Case Study of the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site #2”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., Feburary 1-3, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022. doi:
Keywords: Geothermal
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “Impact of Well Placement in Enhanced Geothermal Systems”, in Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., June 20-22, 2022:, 2022.
Keywords: Geothermal
J. W. Cozby and M. M. Sharma, “Parent-Child Well Relationships Across US Unconventional Basins: Learnings from a Data Analytics Study”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., Feburary 1-3, 2022: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2022.
M. Cao and M. M. Sharma, “The impact of changes in natural fracture fluid pressure on the creation of fracture networks”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 216, p. 110783, 2022, doi:
H. Wang, H. McGowen, and M. M. Sharma, “Unified transient analysis (UTA) of production and shut-in data from hydraulic fractured horizontal wells”, Journal of Petroleun Science and Engineering, vol. 209, 2022, doi:


M. A. Tammar and M. M. Sharma, “A Diverse Set of Validation Experiments for Hydraulic Fracturing Simulators”, in SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference , Event Cancelled: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021. doi:
Z. Quintanilla, R. T. Russell, and M. M. Sharma, “A New Experimental Method for Measuring Improved Oil Recovery in Shales”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September 21-23, 2021: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021. doi:
S. Mondal et al., “Advancements in Step Down Tests to Guide Perforation Cluster Design and Limited Entry Pressure Intensities - Learnings from Field Tests in Multiple Basins”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, May 4-6, 2021: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021.
Z. Quintanilla et al., “An Experimental Investigation Demonstrating Enhanced Oil Recovery in Tight Rocks Using Mixtures of Gases and Nanoparticles”, in Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., July 26-28, 2021, 2021.
S. Zheng, J. Hwang, R. Manchanda, and M. M. Sharma, “An integrated model for non-isothermal multi-phase flow, geomechanics and fracture propagation”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 196, 2021, doi:
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Coupling a Geomechanical Reservoir and Fracturing Simulator with a Wellbore Model for Horizontal Injection Wells”, in SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Virtural, October 26, 2021: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021. doi:
S. Agrawal, J. York, J. T. Foster, and M. M. Sharma, “Coupling Peridynamics with the Classical Methods for Modeling Hydraulic Fracture Growth in Heterogeneous Reservoirs”, SPE Journal, vol. Preprint, 2021, doi:
J. Hwang, S. Zheng, M. M. Sharma, M.-M. Chiotoroiu, and T. Clemens, “Horizontal Water Injection Wells: Injectivity and Containment of Injection-Induced Fractures”, in The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC), Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 15–18, 2021: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021. doi:
E. Alagoz and M. M. Sharma, “Investigating Shale-Fluid Interactions and Its Effect on Proppant Embedment Using NMR Techniques”, in US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 18-25, 2021: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2021.
S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “Modeling Hydraulic Fracturing Using Natural Gas Foam as Fracturing Fluids”, Energies, vol. 14, no. 22, 2021, doi:
H. Liu, H. Wang, W. Zhang, J. Liu, Y. Zhang, and M. M. Sharma, “Predicting Sand Production Rate in High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells in the Tarim Basin”, SPE Production & Operations, vol. 36, no. 01, pp. 174–196, 2021, doi:
S. Zheng, R. Manchanda, D. P. Gala, and M. M. Sharma, “Preloading Depleted Parent Wells To Avoid Fracture Hits: Some Important Design Considerations”, SPE Drilling & Completions, vol. 36, no. 01, pp. 170–187, 2021, doi:
H. Wang, B. Elliott, and M. M. Sharma, “Pressure Decline Analysis in Fractured Horizontal Wells: Comparison between Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test, Flowback, and Main Stage Falloff”, SPE Drilling & Completions, vol. 36, no. 03, pp. 717–729, 2021.
H. Wang and M. M. Sharma, “Unified Pressure and Rate Transient Analysis of Production and Shut-in Data from Fractured Horizontal Wells”, in SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, May 4-6, 2021: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2021. doi:


S. Zheng and M. M. Sharma, “A Comparison of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Well Productivity Using Different Energized Fracturing Fluids”, in 54th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, 2020.