Hydrualic Fracturing and Sand Control JIP

Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment (CSEE)
The University of Texas at Austin


The Hydraulic Fracturing and Sand Control project, established in 2006, consists of 18 projects (16 related to fracturing and 2 related to sand control). Each member company contributes $50,000 per year as a grant to the University and in return receives all the research results from the projects underway.

Principal Investigators

How to Join

To become a sponsor of the Hydraulic Fracturing & Sand Control Project, notify Mukul Sharma, stating your interest or intent. We will then send you a research participation agreement to be executed by your company and The University of Texas. You can contact us by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail as follows:

Dr. Mukul M. Sharma
Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment
The University of Texas at Austin
200 E. Dean Keeton St. Stop C0304
CPE 2.502
Austin, Texas 78712

Phone: (512) 471-3257
Fax: (512) 471-9605
E-mail: msharma@mail.utexas.edu