A 3-Dimensional Fracture Propagation Model for Long-Term Water Injection

47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

A new water injection well model with fully 3-dimensional fracture propagation is proposed. The model uses an improved leak-off calculation based on the particle filtration model as the conventional fluid leak-off models do not work well. The extent of fracture growth and the relevant water injectivity were predicted precisely by combining these improvement with a model for the capture of the suspended particles on the fracture face, the in-situ stress changes induced by poro- an thermo-elastic effects, and the analytical fluid flow model in the reservoir. The simulation model is now capable of predicting the fracture propagation into the bounding layers. The fluid leak-off rate at a specific injection time and location is controlled by the degree of formation damage on the fracture face caused by particles. In many simulation results, the fractures predicted by the new model resulted in slightly shorter lengths because of the stricter fracture propagation criteria. The fluid leak-off behavior was also compared with Carter's model to show the different characteristics of fluid loss during water injection. This model would be specifically useful for the injection water quality selections in the field with complicated in-situ stress conditions.

Reference type
Conference Paper