Estimating Fracture Reorientation due to Long Term Fluid Injection / Production

Productions and Operations Symposium

The injection or production of large volumes of fluid into or from a reservoir can result in significant changes to the effective in-situ stress distributions. Field evidence of this has been provided in the past by mapping refracturing treatments in tight gas sands and micro-seismic monitoring of injection wells in water-flooded reservoirs.

A poro-elastic model is presented to show how the extent of fracture reorientation can be estimated under different conditions of fluid injection and production. The extent of fracture reorientation is a function of the in-situ stresses, the mechanical properties of the rock and the pore pressure gradients. In reservoirs where the pore pressure gradients are complicated due to multiple injection and production wells, fracture reorientation is sensitive to the net pore-pressure gradients. Fractures tend to reorient themselves towards the injection wells and away from production wells, if the pressure gradients are comparable to the in-situ stress contrast.

While far-field principal stress orientations are impacted only by in-situ stresses and pore-pressure gradients, near-wellbore in-situ stress orientation is also impacted by the hoop stress and the wellbore pressure. These can have a significant effect on near-wellbore fracture reorientation. The results of our model are compared with field observations obtained from micro-seismic monitoring of water injection wells. The implications of the results to refracturing operations and candidate well selection are discussed.

Reference type
Conference Paper