An Experimental Investigation of Factors Influencing Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities and Attenuations in Tight Gas Sandstones

V PResults are presented for compressional and shear velocities and attenuations in fully brine-saturated tight gas cores with porosities from 3 to 11.9 percent and clay contents from 1 to 38 percent. The influence of porosity, clay content, frequency, and stress on velocities and attenuations were examined using the amplitude spectra of P- and S-waves in the frequency domain. Attenuations of samples were obtained using the spectral ratio method. For a few selected samples the attenuations were also measured using the length correlation method and these results were compared with the spectral ratio results. In tight gas sandstones, the attenuations obtained were 2 to 5 times greater than the attenuation obtained for Berea sandstone. In general, the presence of clay softens the rock grain contacts causing smaller values of compressional (V PV p) and shear (V S) velocities as the clay content increases. However, the V p/V S  ratio was found to increase with clay content. Compressional-and shear-wave amplitude spectra exhibited a shift in peak frequency toward lower frequencies for samples with higher clay content when compared to clean samples. Velocities and attenuations were found to be frequency dependent, but the positive slope of both compressional and shear attenuations indicate that scattering starts to dominate at the lower frequency end of the ultrasonic measurements. Both V V p and V S  increased while both compressional and shear attenuations decreased when stress was increased



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