The monitoring and diagnostics of induced fractures are important for the real-time performance evaluation of hydraulic fracturing operations. Previous electromagnetic (EM) based studies show that single backbone tri-axial induction logging tools are promising candidates for real-time monitoring and diagnosis of fractures in non-cased wells. With a fast forward solver and reliable parametric inversion techniques, it may be possible to estimate many features of the propped fracture geometry (e.g., area, dip, conductivity, etc.) from the measured induced voltages. To support the development of field deployable tools, the concept must be tested in experiments, in a controllable environment, before it is tested under field-like conditions. To this end, we have designed and built a prototype induction tool and performed two sets of tests to compare with numerical simulation results. The experimental setup consists of tri-axial transmitter- and receiver-coils in co-axial, co-planar and cross-polarized configurations. Thin (highly conductive) metallic targets of various sizes, shapes, and orientations were used to emulate various fracture geometries. Both lab and shallow earth measurements are shown to be in good agreement with simulations for all examined cases. The average relative and maximum discrepancies of the measured signals from the simulated ones were lower than 3% and 10%, respectively. With the prototype tool, strong signals sensitive to the fracture’s surface area and dip were measured in co-axial coil configuration, while weaker signals sensitive to the fracture’s aspect ratio were observed in the co-planar configuration. Cross-polarized signals are also shown to be strong and sensitive to the fracture’s dip. The results suggest that a tool of similar specifications can be used for the detection and extraction of the parameters of fractures propped with sufficiently electrically conductive proppant.
Experiments and Simulations of a Prototype Tri-Axial Electromagnetic Induction Logging Tool for Open-Hole Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics
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