A General Method for the Selection of an Optimum Choke-Management Strategy

SPE Production & Operations

Different choke-management strategies have been adopted by operators in the field; however, no general method exists for systematically selecting an optimum choke-management strategy. In this study, we propose a general method for the selection of bean-up duration and bean-up strategy (choke management) that will maximize well productivity by minimizing formation damage, reducing sand production, and reducing the impact of multiphase-flow effects.

Strategies of stepwise bottomhole-pressure (BHP) adjustments are compared by use of the principle of superposition and the analytical solution of the transient radial-diffusion equation for vertical wells operating under different choke settings. The optimum choke-management strategy is based on the anticipated formation-damage mechanisms. For example, if fines migration and sand production are a concern, then minimizing the wellbore pressure gradients is the primary criterion for the selection of the optimum choke-management strategy.

Using the analytical solution and simulation results, we conclude that for relatively short bean-up durations (i.e., infinite-acting behavior), the pressure-gradient reduction at the wellbore varies logarithmically with increasing bean-up duration. Choke-management strategies appear to have similar performance as far as no more than 70% of the drawdown is applied during the initial 20% of the overall bean-up duration. For longer durations (i.e., when the presence of the no-flow boundary is felt), the optimum strategy depends on both reservoir properties and radial extent. For the case of square drainage area, a plot suggesting the optimum strategy with respect to dimensionless duration is presented. Positive skin and multiphase flow near the wellbore negatively affect the performance of bean-up strategies. For vertical wells producing from multiple layers, bean-up strategies should be selected with respect to the effective horizontal permeability, ultimately yielding the greatest pressure-gradient reduction in the low-permeability zones.

The proposed method enables engineers to select the optimum choke-management strategy with respect to bean-up duration and formation properties. The duration of the bean-up process is drawdown dependent, thus further research is encouraged in determining the maximum allowable pressure gradient to curtail sand production.

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