The impact of changes in natural fracture fluid pressure on the creation of fracture networks

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Complex fracture networks have been observed in mine-back experiments, core samples, and other fracture diagnostic measurements. The interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures plays a key role in the for- mation of this complexity in naturally fractured formations. In past studies, changes in fluid pressure in natural fractures induced by interaction with other fractures are neglected when interactions between natural and hy- draulic fractures are considered. In this paper, a DDM-based hydraulic fracturing simulator is developed to investigate the effect of changes in fluid pressure in natural fractures on fracture behavior and the resulting geometry of complex fracture networks. A fully implicit method is used to solve for width and pressure simul- taneously. The proposed model is validated against an analytical solution for such variations in the vicinity of a penny-shaped fracture. Two kinds of interactions between hydraulic and natural fractures are defined to clearly investigate the mechanism of the far-field failure of natural fractures. Comparisons with and without considering changes in fluid pressure in natural fractures are conducted to show how the geometry of hydraulic fractures changes when changes in fluid pressure in fractures are included. Key parameters such as in-situ stress, natural fracture orientation, and friction coefficient are varied to develop new failure and crossing criteria under different conditions.

Simulation results show that (1) changes in fluid pressure in fractures can initiate isolated fractures to create a stimulated rock volume. In some instances this will result in a more branched and complex fracture network; (2) deflection of hydraulic fractures along natural fractures is promoted when the effect of changes in fluid pressure in natural fractures is taken into account; (3) hydraulic fractures tend to deflect along pre-existing natural fractures with no far-field failure when the stress contrast is low; (4) in formations with high in-situ stress contrast, far-field failure of natural fractures occurs more readily and is impacted by the orientation and fric- tional coefficient of the natural fractures; (5) as expected, well cemented (highly mineralized) fractures with larger frictional coefficients hinder the slip of natural fractures and result in more planar less branched fractures. The results for failure and crossing criteria we developed can improve the understanding of the formation of complex fracture networks in naturally fractured rocks.

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