Linearized Predictor Method for the Efficient Solution of Coupled Geomechanics - Fracture Flow Problems

TitleLinearized Predictor Method for the Efficient Solution of Coupled Geomechanics - Fracture Flow Problems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZheng, S., R. Manchanda, and M. M. Sharma
Conference Name53rd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium
Date Published06/2019
PublisherAmerican Rock Mechanics Association
Conference LocationNew York, New York, U.S.A., June 23-26, 2019
Other NumbersARMA 19-249
KeywordsFracture modeling, Hydraulic Fracturing

Numerical modelling of fracture propagation is challenging due to the highly non-linear dependence of the fracture conductivity which scales with the cube of fracture width. Most iterative methods that have been used to solve this coupled system are slow to converge and can easily diverge. Assumptions such as uniform fracture fluid pressure or homogeneous fracture conductivity leads to inaccurate solutions of proppant transport in the fractures. In this paper, we present a novel linearized predictor method to increase the speed and stability of solving the coupled fracture fluid flow and geomechanics problems using iterative solvers. We linearize the diffusion and accumulation terms in the fracture fluid flow equation, which is then solved with the linear momentum equation as a block-coupled linear system. The block system is solved once at the beginning of each time step and provides a solution of the fracture width and pressure as an initial guess for the iteratively coupled system of fracture flow and reservoir geomechanics equations. These iterations then provide the converged solution of the non-linear, coupled problem. We find that this prediction method is able to significantly reduce the number of iterations and thus greatly decreases the computation time and improves the stability of the simulation.