Water-fracs, consisting of proppant pumped with un-gelled fluid are the type of stimulation used in many low-permeability reservoirs throughout the United States. The use of low viscosity, Newtonian, fluids allows the creation of long narrow fractures in the reservoir without the excessive height growth often seen with cross-linked fluids. Proppant transport is a central issue in all these treatments because of the low viscosity of the fracturing fluid.
New models for proppant transport and settling in hydraulic fractures were developed and implemented in a 3-d hydraulic fracturing code. It is shown that a simple Stokes settling model is grossly inadequate. The proppant settling models developed in this paper account for the effects of fracture walls, changes in settling velocities and rheology caused by changes in proppant concentration, turbulence effects due to high fluid velocities and inertial effects associated with large relative velocities between the proppant and the fluid. Narrower fractures, higher proppant concentration and smaller proppant size reduce settling whereas turbulence leads to an increase in settling. Results are presented to show how the settling velocities are impacted by fluid velocity, proppant size, fluid rheology and fracture width. In most instances settling velocities differ significantly from the Stokes settling velocity.
The new proppant settling model was incorporated into a 3-D hydraulic fracture simulator (UTFRAC-3D). Simulation results show that when settling is accounted for, significantly shorter propped lengths are obtained. The narrow fractures associated with water-fracs alter settling and thereby alter the proppant placement significantly. Although increasing fluid viscosity can reduce settling rates, increased height growth reduces the distance to which proppant can be placed. This clearly suggests a need to optimize fluid rheology. The improved fracture simulator can be used to better design fracture treatments (fluid rheology, injection rates, proppant concentration and size) for better proppant placement under a given set of in-situ stress conditions.