Relating Static and Ultrasonic Laboratory Measurements to Acoustic Log Measurements in Tight Gas Sands

TitleRelating Static and Ultrasonic Laboratory Measurements to Acoustic Log Measurements in Tight Gas Sands
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsTutuncu, A. N., and M. M. Sharma
Conference NameSPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Date Published10/1992
PublisherSociety of Petroleum Engineers
Conference LocationWashington, D.C., U.S.A., October 4-7, 1992
ISBN Number978-1-55563-500-8
Other NumbersSPE 24689-MS

A comparison of Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios obtained from ultrasonic laboratory measurements with static moduli obtained under identical stress conditions shows that the Young's moduli are 1 to 6 times higher under ultrasonic loading conditions. A comparison of these two laboratory measured quantities with log derived moduli measured at 20 KHz indicates that E-ultrasonic > E-sonic >E-static. The clay content and porosity of the samples varied from 1% to 54.5% and 3% to 17.5%, respectively. This clearly suggests that a wide variety of sandstones behave in a viscoelastic manner. The magnitude of the variation with frequency is a function of the clay content, grain size, shape of intergranular contacts, mineralogy and fluid saturations. A model is presented that describes this observed viscoelastic behavior.

The measured static moduli are a function of the sample length. This effect is investigated in some detail. The reported static moduli were obtained at L/d ratios of 2. When comparing log measurements to core, two inherent problems were encountered: depth correlation and sample size, These effects need to be properly accounted for when comparing logs with cores.
