"A General Method for the Selection of an Optimum Choke-Management Strategy", SPE Production & Operations, vol. 32, issue 02, pp. 137-147, 05/2017.
, "Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics and Stress Interference Analysis by Water Hammer Signatures in Multi-Stage Pumping Data", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., July 24-26, 2017, 07/2017.
, "Influence of Polydopamine Deposition Conditions on Hydraulic Permeability, Sieving Coefficients, Pore Size and Pore Size Distribution for a Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane", Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 522, pp. 100-115, 01/2017.
, "Laboratory Observations of the Effect of Pore Pressure on Hydraulic Fracture Growth", 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., June 25-28, 2017, Amreican Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2017.
, "Local Linearization Method for Efficient Solution of Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics Problem", 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., June 25-28, 2017, Amreican Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2017.
, "A Model for the Conductivity and Compliance of Unpropped and Natural Fractures", SPE Journal, vol. 22, issue 06, pp. 1893-1914, 12/2017.
, "A Model for the Conductivity and Compliance of Unpropped Fractures", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
, "Multiphase Flow Simulation of Horizontal Well Artificial Lift and Life-of-Well Field Case Histories: HEAL System Modeled in PipeFractionalFlow", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., July 24-26, 2017, 07/2017.
, "New Variable Compliance Method for Estimating In-Situ Stress and Leak-off from DFIT data", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., October 9-11, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineer, 10/2017.
, "A Non-Local Model for Fracture Closure on Rough Fracture Faces and Asperities", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 425-437, 06/2017.
, "Optimizing Water-Injection Design in a Shallow Offshore Reservoir", SPE Production & Operations, vol. 32, issue 04, pp. 551-563, 11/2017.
, "Overcoming the Impact of Reservoir Depletion to Achieve Effective Parent Well Re-fracturing", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., July 24-26, 2017, 07/2017.
, "A Peridynamics Model for the Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs", SPE Journal, vol. 22, issue 04, pp. 1082-1102, 08/2017.
, "Proppant Distribution Among Multiple PerforationClusters in a Horizontal Wellbore", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
, "The Role of Elasto-Plasticity in Cavity Shape and Sand Production in Oil and Gas Wells", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, October 9-11, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 10/2017.
, "3-D Interactions of Hydraulic Fractures with Natural Fractures", SPE International Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference & Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, October 16-18, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 10/2018.
, "Choke-Management Strategies for Hydraulically Fractured Wells and Frac-Pack Completions in Vertical Wells", SPE Production & Operations, 02/2018.
, "Compositional and Geomechanical Effects in Huff-n-Puff Gas Injection IOR in Tight Oil Reservoirs", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-26, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2018.
, "Diagnosing Fracture-Wellbore Connectivity Using Chemical Tracer Flowback Data", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, TX, U.S.A., July 23-25, 2018, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), 07/2018.
, "The effect of pore pressure on hydraulic fracture growth: An experimental study", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, pp. 1-24, 05/2018.
, "Estimating Fracture Closure Stress in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs with Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests", 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA, U.S.A., June 17-20, 2018, American Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2018.
, "Estimating Hydraulic Fracture Geometry by Analyzing the Pressure Interference Between Fractured Horizontal Wells", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-26, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2018.
, "Estimating Sand Production Through Gravel Packs", SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 7-9, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 02/2018.
, "Estimating Unpropped Fracture Conductivity and Compliance from Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 23-25, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2018.
, "Estimating Unpropped-Fracture Conductivity and Fracture Compliance From Diagnostic Fracture-Injection Tests", SPE Journal, vol. 23, issue 05, pp. 1648-1668, 10/2018.
, "Experiments and Simulations of a Prototype Tri-Axial Electromagnetic Induction Logging Tool for Open-Hole Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics", Geophysics, vol. 83, issue 3, pp. D73-D81, 05/2018.
, "Finer Theoretical Aspects of the Drift Flux Family of Equations for Simulating Averaed Volume Fraction in Multiphase Flows", International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, vol. 06, issue 02, pp. 240-250, 01/2018.
, "Formation of Complex Fracture Networks in the Wolfcamp Shale: Calibrating Model Predictions with Core Measurements from the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-26, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2018.
, "Generation and filtration of O/W emulsions under near-wellbore flow conditions during produced water re-injection", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 165, pp. 798-810, 06/2018.
, "Hydraulic Fracture Closure in a Poroelastic Medium and its Implications on Productivity", 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA, U.S.A., June 17-20, 2018, American Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2018.