"Detachment of Particles from Surfaces: An AFM Study", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 233, issue 01, pp. 73-82, 01/2001.
, "Evaluation of a pH-Sensitive Polymer for Gravel-Packing Operations", SPE Production and Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A., March 24-27, 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 03/2001.
, "Growing Injection Well Fractures and Their Impact on Waterflood Performance", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., September 30 - October 03, 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2001.
, "Mechanisms of Mudcake Removal During Flowback ", SPE Drilling & Completion, vol. 16, issue 04, pp. 214-220, 12/2001.
, "Poroelastic, Chemical, and Thermal Effect on Wellbore Stability in Shales", 38th U. S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., July 7-10, 2001, American Rock Mechanics Association, 07/2001.
, "The Relative Importance of Solids and Filtrate Invasion on the Flow Initiation Pressure", SPE European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, May 21-22, 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 05/2001.
, "Sizing Particles in Drilling and Completion Fluids", Journal of Petroleum Technology, vol. 53, issue 11, pp. 29-29, 11/2001.
, "Strategies for Sizing Particles in Drilling and Completion Fluids", SPE European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, May 21-22, 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 05/2001.
, "Thermal and Chemical Effects on Shale Stability", Geonics 2001 Mining Society of Moravia and Silesia and ISRM Sponsored International Symposium, 05/2001.
, "Effect of Brine Salinity and Crude-Oil Properties on Oil Recovery and Residual Saturations ", SPE Journal, vol. 5, issue 03, pp. 293-300, 09/2000.
, "Force Measurements between Bacteria and Poly(ethylene glycol)-Coated Surfaces", Langmuir, vol. 16, issue 24, pp. 9155-9158, 10/2000.
, "The Impact of Injection Water Quality on Injector / Reservoir Performance", 10th Annual Produced Water Seminar, Nassau Bay, Texas, U.S.A., January 19-21, 2000, Produced Water Society, 01/2000.
, "Injectivity Decline in Water Injection Wells: An Offshore Gulf of Mexico Case Study", SPE Production & Facilities, vol. 15, pp. 6-13, 02/2000.
, "The Ion-Selective Behavior of Native Shales", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 25, issue 1-2, pp. 9-23, 01/2000.
, "Mechanisms of Mud Cake Removal During Flowback", SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 20-21, 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 02/2000.
, "Modeling Injection Well Performance during Deep-well Injection of Liquid Wastes", Journal of Hydrology, vol. 227, issue 1-4, pp. 41-55, 01/2000.
, "Modeling Non-Equilibrium Mass-Transfer Effects for A Gas Condensate Field", In Situ, vol. 24, 2000.
, "Modeling Relative Permeability Effects in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs With a New Trapping Model", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, vol. 3, issue 02, pp. 171-178, 04/2000.
, "The Nature of the Compacted Zone around Perforation Tunnels", SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 23-24, 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 02/2000.
, "The Role of Osmotic Effects in Fluid Flow Through Shales", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 25, issue 1-2, pp. 25-35, 01/2000.
, "Ultrasonic Removal of Organic Deposits and Polymer-Induced Formation Damage", SPE Drilling & Completion, vol. 15, issue 01, pp. 19-24, 03/2000.
, "Use of Solvents to Improve the Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., October 1-4, 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 10/2000.
, "Adhesion Forces Between E. coli Bacteria and Biomaterial Surfaces", Langmuir, vol. 15, issue 08, pp. 2719-2725, 03/1999.
, "Cleanup of Wall-Building Filter Cakes", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., October 3-6, 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 10/1999.
, "Effect of Heterogeneity on the Non-Darcy Flow Coefficient", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, vol. 2, issue 03, pp. 296-302, 06/1999.
, "Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity on the Hydrodynamic Detachment of Particles from Surfaces", Langmuir, vol. 15, issue 07, pp. 2466-2476, 12/1999.
, "Investigating the Role of Crude-Oil Components on Wettability Alteration Using Atomic Force Microscopy", SPE Journal, vol. 4, issue 03, pp. 235-241, 09/1999.
, "Model Simplifies Filter Cake Lift-Off Pressure Determination", Oil & Gas Journal, vol. 97, issue 44, pp. 70-75, 11/1999.
, "Non-Invasive Imaging of Biofilms in Porous Media Using NMR Methods", SPE/EPA Exploration and Production Environmental Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., March 1-3, 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 03/1999.
, "Predicting Gas Condensate Well Productivity Using Capillary Number and Non-Darcy Effects", SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., February 14-17, 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 02/1999.