

G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Oilfield water handling
G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Formation Damage
G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Water Filtration and Desalination
G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Basic Surface and Colloid Science
G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Colloid Transport
G. Wu and M. M. Sharma, “A Model for Precipitation and Dissolution Processes with Precipitate Migration”, AIChE Journal, vol. 35, 1989.
Keywords: Inorganic Precipitation
J. Stenson and M. M. Sharma, “A Petrophysical Model for Shaly Sands”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., October 8-11, 1989: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1989. doi: 10.2118/19574-MS.
S. Vitthal, A. Gupta, and M. M. Sharma, “A Rule Based System for Estimating Clay Distribution, Morphology and Formation Damage in Reservoir Rocks”, SPE Formation Evaluation, vol. 4, 1989.
Keywords: Formation Damage
S. Vitthal, A. Gupta, and M. M. Sharma, “A Rule Based System for Estimating Clay Distribution, Morphology and Formation Damage in Reservoir Rocks”, SPE Formation Evaluation, vol. 4, 1989.
Keywords: Basic Surface and Colloid Science
S. Vitthal, A. Gupta, and M. M. Sharma, “A Rule Based System for Estimating Clay Distribution, Morphology and Formation Damage in Reservoir Rocks”, SPE Formation Evaluation, vol. 4, 1989.
Keywords: Colloid Transport
S. Vitthal, A. Gupta, and M. M. Sharma, “A Rule Based System for Estimating Clay Distribution, Morphology and Formation Damage in Reservoir Rocks”, SPE Formation Evaluation, vol. 4, 1989.
Keywords: Fines Migration
S. Y. Baghdkian, M. M. Sharma, and L. L. Handy, “Flow of Clay Suspensions through Porous Media”, SPE Reservoir Engineering, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 213–220, 1989, doi: 10.2118/16257-PA.
Keywords: Formation Damage
S. Y. Baghdkian, M. M. Sharma, and L. L. Handy, “Flow of Clay Suspensions through Porous Media”, SPE Reservoir Engineering, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 213–220, 1989, doi: 10.2118/16257-PA.
Keywords: Drilling Induced Damage
S. Y. Baghdkian, M. M. Sharma, and L. L. Handy, “Flow of Clay Suspensions through Porous Media”, SPE Reservoir Engineering, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 213–220, 1989, doi: 10.2118/16257-PA.
Keywords: Fines Migration
F. Garver, M. M. Sharma, and G. A. Pope, “The Competition for Chromium Between Xanthan Biopolymer and Resident Clays in Sandstones”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., October 8-11, 1989: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1989. doi: 10.2118/19632-MS.
J. Menezes, J. Yan, and M. M. Sharma, “The Mechanism of Alteration of Macroscopic Contact Angles by the Adsorption of Surfactants”, Colloids and Surfaces, vol. 38, 1989.
Keywords: Formation Damage
J. Menezes, J. Yan, and M. M. Sharma, “The Mechanism of Alteration of Macroscopic Contact Angles by the Adsorption of Surfactants”, Colloids and Surfaces, vol. 38, 1989.
Keywords: Wettability Alteration
J. Menezes, J. Yan, and M. M. Sharma, “The Mechanism of Wettability Alteration due to Surfactants in Oil Based Muds”, in SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., February 8-10, 1989: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1989. doi: 10.2118/18460-MS.
M. M. Sharma, L. Jang, and T. Yen, “Transient Interfacial Tension Behavior of Crude Oil - Caustic Interfaces”, SPE Reservoir Engineering, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 228–236, 1989, doi: 10.2118/12669-PA.
J. Yan and M. M. Sharma, “Wettability Alteration and Restoration for Cores Contaminated with Oil Based Muds”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 2, 1989.
Keywords: Formation Damage
J. Yan and M. M. Sharma, “Wettability Alteration and Restoration for Cores Contaminated with Oil Based Muds”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 2, 1989.
Keywords: Coring
J. Yan and M. M. Sharma, “Wettability Alteration and Restoration for Cores Contaminated with Oil Based Muds”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 2, 1989.
Keywords: Wettability Alteration


Y. Wang and M. M. Sharma, “A Network Model for the Resistivity Behavior of Partially Saturated Rocks”, SPWLA 29th Annual Logging Symposium. 1988.
S. Vitthal, M. M. Sharma, and K. Sepehrnoori, “A One Dimensional Formation Damage Simulator for Damage due to Fines Migration”, SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control. 1988.
Keywords: Formation Damage
S. Vitthal, M. M. Sharma, and K. Sepehrnoori, “A One Dimensional Formation Damage Simulator for Damage due to Fines Migration”, SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control. 1988.
Keywords: Fines Migration
J. Kuo, M. M. Sharma, and T. Yen, “Electrokinetic Behavior of a Porous Composite Oxide Matrix”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 126, 1988.
Keywords: Electrical Properties
J. Kuo, M. M. Sharma, and T. Yen, “Electrokinetic Behavior of a Porous Composite Oxide Matrix”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 126, 1988.
Keywords: Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
H. Chamoun, R. S. Schechter, and M. M. Sharma, “Hydrodynamic Forces Necessary To Release Non-Brownian Particles Attached to a Surface”, ACS Symposium on Advances in Oilfield Chemistry. 1988.
B. Mishra and M. M. Sharma, “Measurement of Pore Size Distributions from Capillary Pressure Curves”, AIChE Journal, vol. 34, 1988.
Keywords: Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
B. Mishra and M. M. Sharma, “Measurement of Pore Size Distributions from Capillary Pressure Curves”, AIChE Journal, vol. 34, 1988.
Keywords: Flow Properties
M. Lewis, M. M. Sharma, H. Dunlap, and M. Dorfman, “Techniques for Measuring the Electrical Properties of Sandstone Cores”, SPE Annual Meeting. 1988.
J. Yan, J. Menezes, and M. M. Sharma, “Wettability Alteration due to Oil-Based Muds and Mud Components”, SPE Annual Meeting. 1988.
M. Lewis, H. Dunlap, and M. M. Sharma, “Wettability and Stress Effects on Saturation and Cementation Exponents”, SPWLA 29th Annual Logging Symposium. 1988.


M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “A Network Model for Deep Bed Filtration Processes”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Oilfield water handling
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “A Network Model for Deep Bed Filtration Processes”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Formation Damage
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “A Network Model for Deep Bed Filtration Processes”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Water Filtration and Desalination
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “A Network Model for Deep Bed Filtration Processes”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Basic Surface and Colloid Science
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “A Network Model for Deep Bed Filtration Processes”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Colloid Transport
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Fines Migration in Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Formation Damage
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Fines Migration in Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Basic Surface and Colloid Science
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Fines Migration in Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Colloid Transport
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Fines Migration in Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Fines Migration
S. Baghdikian, M. M. Sharma, and L. Handy, “Flow of Clay Suspensions in Porous Media”, SPE California Regional Meeting. 1987.
M. M. Sharma, J. Kuo, and T. Yen, “Further Investigation of Surface Charge Properties of Oxide Surfaces in Oil Bearing Sands and Sandstones”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 115, 1987.
M. M. Sharma, “Streaming Potential in Inhomogeneous Packed Beds”, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 43, 1987.
Keywords: Electrical Properties
M. M. Sharma, “Streaming Potential in Inhomogeneous Packed Beds”, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 43, 1987.
Keywords: Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
M. M. Sharma and R. Wunderlich, “The Alteration of Rock Properties Due to Interaction with Drilling Fluid Components”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 1, 1987.
Keywords: Coring
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Transport of Particulate Suspensions in Porous Media. Model Formulation”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Oilfield water handling
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Transport of Particulate Suspensions in Porous Media. Model Formulation”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Formation Damage
M. M. Sharma and Y. C. Yortsos, “Transport of Particulate Suspensions in Porous Media. Model Formulation”, AIChE Journal, vol. 33, 1987.
Keywords: Water Filtration and Desalination