J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Capillary Wicking in Gas Wells”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/103229-MS.
Keywords: Shale-fluid interactions
V. Kumar, V. Bang, G. A. Pope, M. M. Sharma, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, and J. Kamath, “Chemical Stimulation of Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102669-MS.
Keywords: Chemical Well Stimulation: Solvents and Surfactants
V. Kumar, V. Bang, G. A. Pope, M. M. Sharma, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, and J. Kamath, “Chemical Stimulation of Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102669-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
V. Kumar, V. Bang, G. A. Pope, M. M. Sharma, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, and J. Kamath, “Chemical Stimulation of Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102669-MS.
Keywords: Water Blocking in Low Permeability Gas Sands
A. Suri and M. M. Sharma, “Cleanup of Water-Based Kill-Pills in Laboratory-Simulated Perforation Tunnels During Flowback”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102177-MS.
Keywords: Formation Damage
A. Suri and M. M. Sharma, “Cleanup of Water-Based Kill-Pills in Laboratory-Simulated Perforation Tunnels During Flowback”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102177-MS.
Keywords: Drilling Induced Damage
A. Suri and M. M. Sharma, “Cleanup of Water-Based Kill-Pills in Laboratory-Simulated Perforation Tunnels During Flowback”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102177-MS.
Keywords: Cementing / Perforating / Gravel Packing
J. Zhang et al., “Compressive Strength and Acoustic Properties Changes in Shales with Exposure to Water-Based Fluids”, in Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., June17-21, 2006: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2006.
Keywords: Wellbore Stability
J. Zhang et al., “Compressive Strength and Acoustic Properties Changes in Shales with Exposure to Water-Based Fluids”, in Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., June17-21, 2006: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2006.
Keywords: Electrical Properties
J. Zhang et al., “Compressive Strength and Acoustic Properties Changes in Shales with Exposure to Water-Based Fluids”, in Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., June17-21, 2006: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2006.
Keywords: Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
J. Zhang et al., “Compressive Strength and Acoustic Properties Changes in Shales with Exposure to Water-Based Fluids”, in Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., June17-21, 2006: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2006.
Keywords: Shale Characterization
J. Zhang et al., “Compressive Strength and Acoustic Properties Changes in Shales with Exposure to Water-Based Fluids”, in Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., June17-21, 2006: American Rock Mechanics Association, 2006.
Keywords: Shale-fluid interactions
J. Mohan, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Effect of Non-Darcy Flow on Well Productivity in a Hydraulically Fractured Gas-Condensate Well”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/103025-MS.
Keywords: Formation Damage
J. Mohan, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Effect of Non-Darcy Flow on Well Productivity in a Hydraulically Fractured Gas-Condensate Well”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/103025-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
M. M. Sharma, “Effective Oilfield Water Management Through Fractured Injectors for Mature Fields”, Technical Strategies for Marginal and Mature Fields Development conference. 2006.
Keywords: Water Injection / Injector Performance / Fractured Injectors
T. M. Al-Bazali, J. Zhang, M. E. Chenevert, and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling the Membrane Efficiency of Shales when Interacting with Water-Based and Oil-Based Muds”, in International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, December 5-7, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100735-MS.
Keywords: Wellbore Stability
T. M. Al-Bazali, J. Zhang, M. E. Chenevert, and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling the Membrane Efficiency of Shales when Interacting with Water-Based and Oil-Based Muds”, in International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, December 5-7, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100735-MS.
Keywords: Shale Characterization
T. M. Al-Bazali, J. Zhang, M. E. Chenevert, and M. M. Sharma, “Factors Controlling the Membrane Efficiency of Shales when Interacting with Water-Based and Oil-Based Muds”, in International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, December 5-7, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100735-MS.
Keywords: Shale-fluid interactions
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Formation Damage
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Basic Surface and Colloid Science
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Wettability and Thin Films
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Surface Forces
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Thin Films
J. Mahadevan, M. M. Sharma, and Y. C. Yortsos, “Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media”, AIChE Journal, vol. 52, 2006.
Keywords: Water Blocking in Low Permeability Gas Sands
V. Kumar, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Improving the Gas and Condensate Relative Permeability Using Chemical Treatments”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100529-MS.
Keywords: Chemical Well Stimulation: Solvents and Surfactants
V. Kumar, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Improving the Gas and Condensate Relative Permeability Using Chemical Treatments”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100529-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
V. Kumar, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Improving the Gas and Condensate Relative Permeability Using Chemical Treatments”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100529-MS.
Keywords: Shale Characterization
J. Zhang et al., “Ion Movement and Laboratory Technique to Control Wellbore Stability”, AADE 2006 Fluids Conference. 2006.
Keywords: Wellbore Stability
J. Zhang et al., “Ion Movement and Laboratory Technique to Control Wellbore Stability”, AADE 2006 Fluids Conference. 2006.
Keywords: Shale Characterization
J. Zhang et al., “Ion Movement and Laboratory Technique to Control Wellbore Stability”, AADE 2006 Fluids Conference. 2006.
Keywords: Shale-fluid interactions
J. Zhang et al., “Maintaining the Stability of Deviated and Horizontal Wells: Effects of Mechanical, Chemical and Thermal Phenomena on Well Designs”, in International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, December 5-7, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100202-MS.
Keywords: Wellbore Stability
J. Zhang et al., “Maintaining the Stability of Deviated and Horizontal Wells: Effects of Mechanical, Chemical and Thermal Phenomena on Well Designs”, in International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, December 5-7, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100202-MS.
Keywords: Shale-fluid interactions
Z. Zhai and M. M. Sharma, “Modeling Hydraulic Fractures in Unconsolidated Sands”, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2006.
Keywords: Frac-Packing
Z. Zhai and M. M. Sharma, “Modeling Hydraulic Fractures in Unconsolidated Sands”, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2006.
Keywords: Fracture modeling
J. Mohan, M. M. Sharma, and G. A. Pope, “Optimization of Fracture Length in Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100543-MS.
Keywords: Formation Damage
J. Mohan, M. M. Sharma, and G. A. Pope, “Optimization of Fracture Length in Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100543-MS.
Keywords: Hydraulic Fracturing
J. Mohan, M. M. Sharma, and G. A. Pope, “Optimization of Fracture Length in Gas/Condensate Reservoirs”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/100543-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
V. Bang, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Phase Behavior Study of Hydrocarbon/Water/Methanol Mixtures at Reservoir Conditions”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102100-MS.
Keywords: Formation Damage
V. Bang, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Phase Behavior Study of Hydrocarbon/Water/Methanol Mixtures at Reservoir Conditions”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102100-MS.
Keywords: Chemical Well Stimulation: Solvents and Surfactants
V. Bang, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Phase Behavior Study of Hydrocarbon/Water/Methanol Mixtures at Reservoir Conditions”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102100-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
Y. Liu, P. B. Gadde, and M. M. Sharma, “Proppant Placement Using Reverse-Hybrid Fracs”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/99580-MS.
Keywords: Hydraulic Fracturing
Y. Liu, P. B. Gadde, and M. M. Sharma, “Proppant Placement Using Reverse-Hybrid Fracs”, in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/99580-MS.
Keywords: Proppant Placement
V. Bang, V. Kumar, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Relative Permeability of Gas/Condensate Fluids: A General Correlation”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102741-MS.
Keywords: Condensate Banking / Productivity of Gas Condensate Wells
V. Bang, V. Kumar, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Relative Permeability of Gas/Condensate Fluids: A General Correlation”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102741-MS.
Keywords: Flow Properties
V. Bang, V. Kumar, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Relative Permeability of Gas/Condensate Fluids: A General Correlation”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102741-MS.
Keywords: Wettability Alteration
V. Bang, V. Kumar, P. S. Ayyalasomayajula, G. A. Pope, and M. M. Sharma, “Relative Permeability of Gas/Condensate Fluids: A General Correlation”, in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., September 24-27, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/102741-MS.
Keywords: Proppant conductivity
H. Ju et al., “Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Coated Ultrafiltration Membranes to enhanced Oil/Water Fouling Resistance”, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, vol. 95. American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., September 10-14, 2006, p. 68, 2006.
Keywords: Oilfield water handling
H. Ju et al., “Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Coated Ultrafiltration Membranes to enhanced Oil/Water Fouling Resistance”, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, vol. 95. American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., September 10-14, 2006, p. 68, 2006.
Keywords: Water Filtration and Desalination
S. K. Choi, Y. M. Ermel, S. L. Bryant, C. Huh, and M. M. Sharma, “Transport of a pH-Sensitive Polymer in Porous Media for Novel Mobility-Control Applications”, in SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., April 22-26, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/99656-MS.
Keywords: Oilfield water handling
S. K. Choi, Y. M. Ermel, S. L. Bryant, C. Huh, and M. M. Sharma, “Transport of a pH-Sensitive Polymer in Porous Media for Novel Mobility-Control Applications”, in SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., April 22-26, 2006: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006. doi: 10.2118/99656-MS.
Keywords: Water Injection / Injector Performance / Fractured Injectors