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Hydraulic Fracturing
Liu, Y., P. Bhushan Gadde, and M. M. Sharma, "Proppant Placement Using Reverse-Hybrid Fracs", SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 15-17, 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 05/2006.
Sharma, M. M., P. Bhushan Gadde, Y. Liu, J. Mahadevan, and R. B. Sullivan, "Selecting Strategies for Improving Fracture Performance in Tight Gas Sands", GasTIPS, vol. 11, pp. 8-11, 10/2005.
Sharma, M. M., P. B. Gadde, R. B. Sullivan, R. Sigal, R. Fielder, D. Copeland, L. Griffin, and L. Weilers, "Slick Water and Hybrid Fracturing Treatments: Some Lessons Learnt", Journal of Petroleum Technology, vol. 57, issue 03, no. 03, pp. 38-40, 03/2005.
Manchanda, R., M. M. Sharma, and S. Holzhauser, "Time-Dependent Fracture-Interference Effects in Pad Wells", SPE Producation & Operations, vol. 29, issue 04, pp. 274-287, 11/2014.
McAndrew, J. J., R. Fan, M. M. Sharma, and L. H. Ribeiro, "Extending the Application of Foam Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids", SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, August 25-27, 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 08/2014.
Blyton, C. A. J., D. P. Gala, and M. M. Sharma, "A Comprehensive Study of Proppant Transport in a Hydraulic Fracture", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 28-30 September 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2015.
Manchanda, R., and M. M. Sharma, "The Role of Induced Un-propped (IU) Fractures in Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells", SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 28-30 September 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 09/2015.
Friehauf, K. E., A. Suri, and M. M. Sharma, "A Simple and Accurate Model for Well Productivity for Hydraulically Fractured Wells", SPE Producation & Operations, vol. 25, issue 04, pp. 453-460, 11/2010.
Friehauf, K. E., and M. M. Sharma, "A New Compositional Model for Hydraulic Fracturing With Energized Fluids", SPE Producation & Operations, vol. 24, issue 04, pp. 562-572, 11/2009.
Liu, Y., P. Bhushan Gadde, and M. M. Sharma, "Proppant Placement Using Reverse-Hybrid Fracs", SPE Producation & Operations, vol. 22, issue 03, pp. 348-356, 08/2007.
Carey, M. A., S. Mondal, M. M. Sharma, and D. B. Herbert, "Correlating Water Hammer Signatures With Production Log and Microseismic Data in Fractured Horizontal Wells", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., February 9-11, 2016, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 02/2016.
Ouchi, H., A. Katiyar, J. York, J. T. Foster, and M. M. Sharma, "A fully coupled porous flow and geomechanics model for fluid driven cracks: a peridynamics approach", Computational Mechanics, vol. 55, issue 3, pp. 561-576, 03/2015.
Ouchi, H., S. Agrawal, J. T. Foster, and M. M. Sharma, "Effect of Small Scale Heterogeneity on the Growth of Hydraulic Fractures", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Wu, W., P. Kakkar, J. Zhou, R. T. Russell, and M. M. Sharma, "An Experimental Investigation of the Conductivity of Unpropped Fractures in Shales", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Lee, D., and M. M. Sharma, "A Fully-Coupled, Poro-Elasto-Plastic, 3-D Model for Frac-Pack Treatments in Poorly Consolidated Sands", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Al Tammar, M., and M. M. Sharma, "Effect of Geological Layer Properties on Hydraulic Fracture Initiation and Propagation: An Experimental Study", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Wu, C-H., S. S. Yi, and M. M. Sharma, "Proppant Distribution Among Multiple PerforationClusters in a Horizontal Wellbore", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Wu, W., and M. M. Sharma, "A Model for the Conductivity and Compliance of Unpropped Fractures", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-28, 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2017.
Ouchi, H., J. T. Foster, and M. M. Sharma, "Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity on the Vertical Migration of Hydraulic Fractures", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 151, pp. 384-408, 03/2017.
Manchanda, R., M. M. Sharma, M. Rafiee, and L. H. Ribeiro, "Overcoming the Impact of Reservoir Depletion to Achieve Effective Parent Well Re-fracturing", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., July 24-26, 2017, 07/2017.
Wu, W., R. T. Russell, and M. M. Sharma, "An Experimental Method to Study the Impact of Fracturing Fluids on Fracture Conductivity in Heterogeneous Shales", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., July 24-26, 2017, 07/2017.
Gala, D. P., and M. M. Sharma, "Effect of Fluid Type and Composition on Changes in Reservoir Stresses due to Production: Implications for Refracturing", 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., June 25-28, 2017, Amreican Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2017.
Al Tammar, M., M. M. Sharma, and R. Manchanda, "Laboratory Observations of the Effect of Pore Pressure on Hydraulic Fracture Growth", 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., June 25-28, 2017, Amreican Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2017.
Lee, D., K. Shrivastava, and M. M. Sharma, "Effect of Fluid Rheology on Proppant Transport In Hydraulic Fractures in Soft Sands", 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., June 25-28, 2017, Amreican Rock Mechanics Association, 06/2017.
Ouchi, H., A. Katiyar, J. T. Foster, and M. M. Sharma, "A Peridynamics Model for the Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs", SPE Journal, vol. 22, issue 04, pp. 1082-1102, 08/2017.
Wu, W., and M. M. Sharma, "A Model for the Conductivity and Compliance of Unpropped and Natural Fractures", SPE Journal, vol. 22, issue 06, pp. 1893-1914, 12/2017.
Manchanda, R., P. Bhardwaj, J. Hwang, and M. M. Sharma, "Parent-Child Fracture Interference: Explanation and Mitigation of Child Well Underperformance", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 23-25, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2018.
Shrivastava, K., and M. M. Sharma, "Proppant Transport in Complex Fracture Networks", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 23-25, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2018.
Shrivastava, K., and M. M. Sharma, "Mechanisms for the Formation of Complex Fracture Networks in Naturally Fractured Rocks", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 23-25, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2018.
Wang, H., and M. M. Sharma, "Estimating Unpropped Fracture Conductivity and Compliance from Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests", SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A., January 23-25, 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 01/2018.
